Friday, 30 July 2010

Strawberry Cupcakes….

Last weekend I spent hours and a fare few pennies making  a Pioneer Women Red Velvet cake.

It failed miserably.I had to move it around the various ovens in the Aga and it took twice the time it was supposed to cook.I only had one piece and the rest is SLOWLY getting eaten.

I had all but given up with baking cakes in the Aga.But luckily a cupcake cook extraordinaire  came to see me.She sent me some of her fail proof recipes,and so I had a go today.

So thank you to Kim for the recipes.I had to reduce the cooking time by a quarter and they are still a bit tinged for my liking.But I may be buying a Kitchen aid mixer after all.

But of course they may look nice ,but what do they taste like?……….


If anyone would like Kim to bake an order of cupcakes for them,let me know.


Scrappi Sandi said...

I just love the look on Teddy's face in that final shot!!! I think he may be agreeing with you!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so please the cupcakes turned out well, I am as i write making another batch of cupcakes for an order tomorrow, yours look really lovely ! !


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