Thursday, 8 July 2010

Spain to win.

Yet again its that time in the World Cup where we are sat watching Spain playing to get to the finals.Fingers crossed for Spain.Again we can hear the cheers or groans all around us seconds before we see it on the BBC1.

I hope you all appreciate me continuing to blog while I'm on holiday.It means I have to lug my laptop down to the beach to avoid the 100* temperatures in the car.Then spend a half an hour trying to log on in a bar with free wifi.Well,as free as a coke and beer are.

Then I spend an hour huffing and puffing in the heat waiting for the slooooow  broadband to load.I have just “handed”in my first assignment for Karen Russell's photography workshop.

I also took a self portrait photo for Cheryl Johnsons new upcoming course-people imagery workshop.It had to be a picture we had taken of ourselves including something  patriotic or sporting.Its a wee bit  hard when you are on a beach in Spain.So this was my attempt,until I get home.

It’s me wearing an England flag bikini????? (Honest)

I’ve kept myself busy whilst the football has been on,putting together my Chicago mini album.Here’s the pages I’ve completed so far.

We stopped for an ice cream after our jaunt.But which flavour should I choose?

There were so many to choose from.


Should I have a collection of flavours like the young slim Spanish girls?

Or would it be a sin in Weight Watchers eyes?


So I plumped for a single scoop of banana.

Hubby went for the most repulsive flavour on offer.

I said I would prefer to eat a toenail and bogey ice cream than the tutti frutti he picked.

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