At last the end of the year is upon us. 365 days, 52 weeks of photo taking. Everyday! Phew, how did I manage to keep it going?
OhLife a daily email prompt was a great help. Plus, I subscribed to comments in the Big Picture Classes, Project Life forum and quite a few blogs that were taking part.
I’m quite glad I am not fully taking part this year, as Becky Higgins has brought a whole team of scrappers on board for 2012. Some of them, I did follow this year and their work is awesome. That’s why, I wouldn’t want to be comparing my project to theirs and getting all concerned about embellishing everything and it looking perfect.
I am hoping this year to complete a Project Life style book from Shutterfly that has just linked up with Becky. I am sure this will work out a MUCH cheaper option. I can’t even begin to hazzard a guess how much the two massive albums have cost me to complete. It will be in the hundreds I expect. I have had to refill my printer ink LOTS of times and at nearly £60 a go that adds up to a lot! But in a weird roundabout way it kept me scrapping and it certainly kept me photographing. All of which might have gone by the way side as I coped with my back pain issues
Week forty six
The picture at the top right ,is my old Dior make up counter I worked on. It’s weird as I am off there today with my sons girlfriend to see if we can find her a position on one of the counters. This time last year I had Tasmin looking for a job when she left University because she was so unhappy. Now I have Kerri in the same position. She was very unhappy in her job and has handed in her notice. But life is too short to stay at something that makes you unhappy and stressed.
Week forty seven
I couldn’t resist adding that little shot of Chris. It serves him right for pulling a face when I was trying to get a nice shot of him.
Week forty eight
Week forty nine
It was great to put some left over embellishments from my Shimelle Christmas album from a few years ago to use.
A photo collage insert of my girl friends Christmas party. I was unable to join them for the meal last year as I couldn't sit down! I’m pulling that face as I am opening a present as I haven’t a clue what it is !
and Chris was in Chicago this week, saying good bye to his old boss. I was so glad when it unexpectedly happened that he was there. He got to say a proper goodbye to him. Glenn will be greatly missed by our entire family. We will be eternally thankful for everything he has done for us as a family over the past years.
People did groan a bit as the year went on, when I asked for a picture. I didn’t have any problems when I asked relative strangers, such as my surgeon if I could have a picture of them. When I explained to them why, they were always intrigued, and said yes. So I am glad I kept it up and I’m rather proud that I did. It was a lot of hard work, many hours spent at a computer and cursing my printer. Hopefully one day some one will sit down and look through them and be glad I made all that effort.
This is an amazing achievement, Karen, in what has been a difficult year, and you are right to be proud of it! I hope it gives you lots of pleasure in the years to come.
It all looks amazing & I am so impressed that you kept going right through all the ups & downs the year has thrown at you...& even managed to get Ryan & Kerri in there on numerous occasions...well done you!!
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