Wednesday, 23 November 2011

At, bloody last !!!

Tasmin had her FOURTH driving test today. She is always so nervous ,her thinking goes out of the window and she fluffs at the last moment of the test.


So for this one she literally drank a bottle of Rescue remedy.  And it obviously did the trick as she PASSED. With no majors or minors.


Apparently the examiner said that only happens 1/15,000.

He sounded great. Tasmin had, had him before and he remembered her. He chatted to her  for the entire test,as he could  see she was very nervous. He even joked with her whether she had been unfaithful to him and had a test with someone else !!


She did really well seeing's, she has an eye infection and her eye is all swollen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tasmin, congratulations what fantastic news!!!!!God your Mother is going to get you driving all over the place now. Xxx ps. Please put some cokes in the fridge for her.


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