Thursday, 3 March 2011

Just another day in my life


See those needles. How long do you think those ones are in my butt?

Now double that and you won’t be anywhere near their length.

I mean check this video out. ( its not me, but it gives you a rough idea)

Teejay kept saying I was a drama queen when I let out involuntary screams as he twiddled some of them. It was like electricity shooting down my leg. My feet seemed to have a mind of their own.

I had gone today for deep tissue manipulation.. Well Teejay added some Hivamat electrostatic therapy and then out came the needles. I had dry needling last July at an osteopaths. But today I could really feel them. Hopefully they were doing something good, as my previous dry needling sessions didn’t help me at all. I was tired out afterwards and had a little snooze when I got home.

The rest of the week was all about treatments as well. Monday I had traction in hospital.


Tuesday was a relaxing day at the spa at Hanbury Manor with my friend Linda.


I had found some £20 vouchers that included a back massage.We thoroughly enjoyed our treatments and spent an entire day not doing much at all. Bliss.

Wednesday was another day with a physio




I am stopping my appointments here. They are a total waste of time. They kill me to get there and then I just go home with another sheet of exercises I can’t do.




I have decided to have surgery and hopefully I will be able to have it over Easter. But first I want a second opinion from another consultant. Teejay summed up my present consultant exactly today. He said he sounds like a prat. And that was the word I have been searching for. I just don’t trust him and I have a gut feeling about him and prat was the perfect word.


Michelle S said...

WOW!!! Poor you! I know I whinged about my bad back but after half killing myself seeing a chiroprator for 5 days in a row, it seemed to cry off for a lil while!
I promise never to moan {too much!} again, after seeing ur pics! I hope surgery helps ... Good luck x I'll b thinking of u!

Dawn said...

Karen whatever you decide to do I really wish you some pain free time soon - I'm sure you won't believe me but getting a second opinion has been on the tip of my tongue for quite sometime but didn't want to sound like I might think I knew better. xxxx

Scrappi Sandi said...

Ouch! You are braver than me where needles are look at those & i'd have run a mile!! I do hope you get to see someone for a second opinion very you've made the decision to go for surgery it needs to be done asap! Easter would be great & then you'd be all done before summer! Missed you last night...just Ann & I again!! Nina sends her love & hopes to see you again soon!


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