Friday, 19 March 2010

post marshmallow cupcakes.

I have just made a batch of marshmallow cupcakes which are yummy.

I have been so good this week that I surprised myself by fitting in my favourite dress.

As you can see my boobs are straining at the seams at bit,but the rest is nothing that a pair of spanx wouldn’t sort out.

Thanks to Jane for her comments on my migraine medication.The beta blockers I have to take are renowned for slowing you down and weight gain.The first time I tried them 10 years ago I used to go to the gym everyday and was very fit.Beta blockers stop your heart rate from increasing,so it was very weird working out without breaking into a sweat.Because your heart never races it slows your metabolism down and everything goes on a go slow.

Every time I see the Doctor I ask to be taken off them as they don’t help my migraines at all,but they always resist and I  leave with a reduced dosage.But this time I’m going to put my foot down.Maybe they are why I have put on weight.I had always eaten exactly what I wanted and never had a weight problem. I had put my gain down to me getting old and my bad back stopping me working out.

Anyway enough about my fat……..

A huge Congratulations to my friend Scrappi Sandi,she was featured today on Shimelle class prompt  along with two other great scrappers.Sandra  is a fabulous scrapper,if a bit slow!!!!But she has certainly speeded up for this  class,either that or she’s not sleeping.I bet her poor family are having to live in squalor and I’ll be surprised if she’ll be able to get in her craft room by the end of next week because of all the ironing she’s ignored.

Anyway enough about her …..This blog is all about meeeeeeeeeeee……….

I had a tough time with Shimelles prompt- to scrap with just plain card stock.I HATE plain card stock.I always use it reluctantly,give me a patterned paper  every time.

So I dug out the remaining lilac papers (yuk) from my cardstock and got punching.The pictures are of my niece Taya.I took them on a dark night in my garden.She was lit just by the garden security light

I couldn’t resist adding a few coloured  butterflies and some of the beads I found yesterday from my Mums stash.I can’t say its one of my favourite layouts and it will no doubt be heading my sisters way.But at least I no longer have any of that yucky  lilac cardstock left.


Anonymous said...

I came over from the class. Wanted to tell you I loved your butterflies and that lavender layout, very nice. Cute idea using the beads and I think we all have some around the house, thanks
for sharing.

Donna B

Scrappi Sandi said...

Well...where to start?!! Thanks for the mention & so good to see you in your just stay of the marshmallow cakes & you'll be fine!! Love all the butterflies in your LO..& glad to see all that lilac on it's way out!!!


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