The first room we completed was our spare room.It was our trial room to see if we would have to have all the rooms plastered.We filled cracks,papered and rubbed down windows.But after this room we decided we needed some help.We employed a painter for the next year to help us (Hubby) paint every weekend. To this day we still haven’t finished all of the window frames.The windows are going to be like the Forth Bridge.Never ending.
Spare room(actually where I sleep)
Sons room:
Not my normal style,but then its a boys room.It also reflects his love of the USA.
Sons bathroom:this was a monstrosity.You had to climb over the toilet to get in the shower.We replaced the windows and had some made to match the rest of the building.A wall was knocked down and voila a functional room.
Daughters room:This was the only room that just needed a cosmetic overhaul.
Main bedroom:
We had another spare bedroom that would never get used.So we knocked through from our bedroom.Knocked down the bathroom wall.Moved it! and made an ensuite.
Spare room:
The next room you will not believe.It must be the worst bathroom in the World.Two sinks ,one didn’t work!Dark and depressing.So we gutted it,moved a wall and built me a scrap room/office.Heaven.
Well that's a full guided tour of my home and last but not least some of our outside space.
After and on going:
Phew,we are all knackered now and deserve a rest.