That means Chinese New Years Eve.
Its when Chinese gather their family together for a meal at the beginning of their lunar year. But, as we always have a Chinese takeaway on New Years Eve, I thought it was an appropriate greeting from us.
I wish you all a happy and healthy 2011.
It only seems 5 minutes ago that I was sat waiting for my Chinese last year. Poor Hubby has to drive miles away for it. But its our fail safe favourite and we look forward to it every year.
Hopefully, a pain free future is on the horizon for me. I have borrowed a TENS machine for the next two weeks from physio. That's to get me through the next 14 days until I go in to hospital for an epidural and nerve root injection.
I was offered three choices yesterday by my consultant.
1.leave me in pain
2.epidural spine block and steroid nerve root injection
I took option no2 for now. It is known to work in lots of cases and usually has no ill effects, if it doesn’t work. Where as surgery has lots of risks and isn’t always successful. So it was a no brainer, no2 it was.
Take a butchers at one of my MRI scans. The Doctor said even an idiot could see the root of my problem.
You can clearly see the prolapsed disc and the fine nerves its pushing on= lots of pain.
Mind you as he was flicking through all the scans, all I could see was the amount of fat I had on my back and bottom.
I am soooooo looking forward to sitting down pain free again.I dream of sitting at my laptop, relaxing in bed/bath and watching TV with my feet up.
Ahhhh bliss.