Friday 9 September 2011

Project Life

Week Thirty-two


Insert of my sister & sons holiday.



Week Thirty-three


Tasmins boyfriends boxers split from top to bottom. No pun intended. So of course I took a snap of it. He wore them to work like that!


Week Thirty-four



I took a picture of an old friend who is moving to Holland in the coming weeks. It maybe one of the last times I see her. Whilst I was ordering my gold bangle, I walked past the buildings that used to be my Dads printing company. I spent most of my teenage years there. So I took a photo on my point and shoot, I carry in my bag.

Week Thirty-five



I love using the screen save on my laptop to capture images from the internet. It came in useful for the day I got the shocking news from my new back consultant. I completely forgot to take a picture at the hospital, so I used his online profile instead. It’s nice to have a picture of him to always remind me. I wouldn’t have dared ask at the consultation.

Week Thirty-Six


This weeks photos are almost finished. I know that I am going to probably use an image of the TV screen. I have watched Big Brother since it started over 10 years ago. In fact I have NEVER missed an episode. We even used to get someone to video it for us in the old days of VHS when we were on holiday. The opening episode always makes me stop and think about how my life will have changed by the time it ends months later. I have changed careers, moved house and lost a house. Wondered if I will have lost a parent from cancer, said goodbye to my daughters boyfriend after a car crash. This year I will be thinking about my health and hoping that I will be on the mend by the end of the series.

My friend Judith said I will be “as happy as a pig in shit” laid up in hospital settling down to watch the daily episodes, and she is right. I admit it I am a Big Brother addict. I mean who would have thought a gypsy would win a Celebrity Big Brother ( see video here). I love how unpredictable it is.


1 comment:

Scrappi Sandi said...

You saddo!!!! BUT...I must admit we watched the final three last night & Paddy does seem a likeable chap...just glad Jedward didn't win...they would have been even more unbearable!!! Project Life is looking great...I would expect nothing less!! :)


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