Monday 4 January 2010

January 4th

Well since I was last here,we were invited to our neighbours house for a party.We had never met the vast majority of the people there.I was trying to explain scrapbooking and blogging to several of them ,but they all thought I was just mad.

They couldn’t get theirs heads around the fact that I share information with people I don’t know on my blog.They had never heard of blogging before or scrapbooking,for that matter.My Husband said “pop home and get one of your albums” ,so I fetched my JYC album.Its fair to say I think they were quite surprised and there were no more sniggers.So I may have converted a few people.

I finally submitted my piece for Cheryl's Christmas workshop.

There are not too many entries at the moment ,

so fingers crossed.

I added this one as a NON entry for a laugh

Checkout the smaller photos.Do you think this is grounds for divorce.I shall be scraping these and making sure its framed and put in  a prominent place in the house.Will teach him to mess with my photo shoot.

Chris came and woke me this morning and told me to get my bum out of bed!!But when he told me it was because there was such a heavy frost and it was a perfect photo opportunity,I did indeed wizz out of bed.

Teddy didn’t know what had hit him when I brandished his collar.He was sooo excited.In fact a bit too excited and it turned out to be almost impossible to get a shot with him tugging on my arm.But here are a sample.




So next time I will have to leave Teddy at home.


Scrappi Sandi said...

I must admit I thought of you when I saw the thick frost this morning! I have been out with my camera today but just in the garden!! I think your submission for the workshop is awesome! Good Luck!

Rhona said...

Your photos for the workshop look great! Good luck! We had light snow again this morning but not enought for DD to get a snow day off school ;o). Love the frosty shots - one of my favourites this winter was a shot of the frost/ice on my car window one morning. I must look it out and put it on my blog. It could have been patterned paper for scrapbooking, it was so pretty!


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